Send your parcels worldwide

Send a parcel around the world without queuing and waiting at the post office? On you can order online shipping in a few minutes, a courier will come to your home, pick up the package and deliver it with care. Even for larger parcels (up to 68 kg) we will come to your home, work, cottage, in short, anywhere you wish.

Send cheaper. Send from home. Send without any worries. Just wrap it up.

Most popular destinations

Delivery time
Price including VAT from
1 den
63 Kč
1 - 2 dny
157 Kč
2 dny
273 Kč
2 dny
295 Kč
3 dny
314,80 Kč
3 dny
394,80 Kč
2 - 4 dny
424,80 Kč
3 - 4 dny
424,80 Kč
4 - 7 dní
451 Kč
4 dny
504,80 Kč
4 - 7 dní
511 Kč
4 - 6 dní
517 Kč
4 - 5 dní
535 Kč
4 - 6 dní
552 Kč
3 dny
711 Kč
3 - 5 dní
776 Kč
3 - 5 dní
780 Kč
4 - 5 dní
916 Kč
3 - 5 dní
994 Kč

What you should know before sending the package abroad

Be sure to fill in the local phone number

When filling out the order, it is important to add the local telephone number of the consignee. If the courier is unable to find the address, he will try to contact the recipient using the telephone number. Drivers usually do not call non-local numbers. This will prevent delays and possible return of the shipment.

Prohibited or restricted content

When sending abroad, there are a number of restrictions and prohibitions, which vary both by country and by individual carrier or type of transport. Before ordering transport, make sure that the contents of your shipment are not on the list of restrictions and prohibitions or contact our infoline.

Expect a possible delay

Transport around Europe can be very fast, but it is important to realize that due to the weather, breakdowns, summer or Christmas peaks, strikes and, unfortunately, occasional human failure, there may be minor delays. Expect this as a possibility, especially for important shipments.

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