Just-in-Time Courier

Take advantage of our unique courier service, thanks to which we can deliver your parcels within a few hours. You hand the package over to the courier and it heads to the delivery address almost immediately. In Brno, Ostrava and Prague.

Shipping partners Zaslat

How to send a parcel via Liftago to Zaslat.cz?

  • The parcel must be packed in such a way as to prevent damage to the parcel, other parcels or the interior of the courier's car, including soiling. The packaging is to prevent the loss of any part of the parcel. The item must not be allowed to move in the packaging.
  • The service does not use shipping labels, it is necessary to mark the shipment with the name and contact details of the sender and recipient.
  • The basic insurance included in the price of the service is up to CZK 50,000.

How is the price for Liftago calculated?

  • The price of transport with the carrier Liftago is determined on the basis of the area where it is provided - in Prague and Brno.
  • The service also works on weekends.

Zaslat for
your business

Overcome the boundaries of your business, compete playfully with global companies.

Send parcels abroad

We're blurring the boundaries of delivery. Send packages with Zaslat to up to 187 countries.


Zaslat.cz for business owners and companies

We offer tailor-made shipping solutions