Documentation for the API
Documentation will be further improved. In the near future, we will add model situations and sample source code for PHP.
If you have any question, suggestion, suggestion for improvement, or you have found a mistake, do not hesitate to contact our IT department at
Each request is authenticated using the API key provided in your account settings. The API key is
added as a parameter x-apikey
to the request header for each called API method.
Response to request
The response to each request is identified by an HTTP status
code corresponding to the parameter status
in the response body and an
action message message
. There are two types of response according to the processing
status: ok (code 200 OK) or error (any other code).
In case of error processing, an error message and an error object with a list of incorrect parameters can be returned in response to the corresponding status code.
If processing is successful, the response is returned with an optional parameter corresponding to the particular method being called .
Response structure
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
status | integer | response status code | yes |
message | string | action report | yes |
errors | string|array | error message or array of error objects listing individual errors | no |
<parameter> | array | array of objects or values according to a specific method | no |
Example of success response
{ "status": 200, "message": "Contact succesfully deleted" }
Example of an error response
{ "status": 401, "message": "Unauthorized request" } { "status": 400, "message": "Contact validation error" "errors": [{ "message": "Address line cannot be empty" }] }
Offer shipping, prices and delivery dates
Description of the Method
To determine the offer of transport, the method is used, which based on the parameters sent from where, where, the specification of packages and possible additional services, returns the offer of available shipping companies together with the price and expected delivery date. The price for the services and the available shipping companies correspond to the current price group and the authorized carriers for the given customer account.
Body Request
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
currency | string | ISO 4217 currency code in which to return service prices | no |
type | enum shipment type | type (mode) of collection according to shipment type dictionary | no |
pickup_date | date | required pickup date (YYYY-MM-DD) | no |
pickup_branch | string parcelPoint code | collection point code | no |
delivery_branch | string parcelPoint code | drop-off point code | no |
from | object contact | only the "state" field is required | yes |
to | object contact | only the "state" field is required | yes |
services | array of services | array of service objects with additional services | no |
packages | array of packages | array of package objects with individual packages | yes |
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
status | integer | response status code | yes |
message | string | action report | yes |
errors | array | array of error objects with error messages | no |
rates | array of rates | array of rate objects with carrier offers | no |
Example Call
curl -v \ -X "POST" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-Apikey: secret-api-key" \ -d '{ "currency": "CZK", "pickup_date": "2016-07-10", "from": { "country": "ZA" }, "to": { "country": "ZA" }, "services": [{ "code": "cod", "data": { "value": { "value": 1500, "currency": "CZK" } } }], "packages": [{ "weight": 1, "width": 10, "height": 20, "length": 30 }] }'
Response Example
{ "status": 200, "message": "Found 3 offers", "rates": [{ "carrier": "UPS", "service": "Export SK", "service_id": 21, "pickup_date": "2016-07-10", "delivery_date": "2016-07-12", "price": { "value": 178.51, "currency": "CZK" }, "price_vat": { "value": 216, "currency": "CZK" } },{ ... }] }
Shipment Operations
A set of methods for handling shipments.
Create a new order
Description of the Method
Create a new order with one or more shipments.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
currency | string | ISO 4217 currency code in which to place the order | no*) |
payment_type | enum payment_type | form of payment for this batch / order | no*) |
shipments | array of shipments | array of shipment objects | yes |
payer | object contact | objekt contact identifying the payer | yes**) |
voucher | string | voucher code | no |
*) If not specified, the default settings for the customer account will be used
**) If the user is authenticated (the request contains the x-apikey), there is no need to enter the payer object. In this case, the payer will be the logged-in user.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
status | integer | response status code | yes |
message | string | action report | yes |
errors | array | array of errors | no |
Example Call
curl -v \ -X "POST" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-ApiKey: secret-api-key" \ -d '{ "currency": "CZK", "payment_type": "online", "shipments": [{ "carrier": "UPS", "pickup_date": 2016-07-11, "from": { "id": 1001 }, "to": { "firstname": "David", "surname": "Williams", "company": "Parcelspot Ltd.", "street": "4447 Sheffield Rd", "city": "Cape Town", "zip": "7750", "country": "ZA", "phone": "+27115689759", "email": "" }, "services": [{ "code": "cod", "data": { "value": { "value": 1500, "currency": "CZK" } } }, { "code": "ins", "data": { "value": 12500, "currency": "CZK" } }], "packages": [{ "weight": 1, "width": 10, "height": 20, "length": 30 }, { ... second package ... }] }, { ... second shipment ... }], "payer": { "firstname": "David", "surname": "Williams", "company": "Parcelspot Ltd.", "street": "4447 Sheffield Rd", "city": "Cape Town", "zip": "7750", "country": "ZA", "phone": "+27115689759", "email": "" } }'
Response Example
{ "status": 200, "message": "Order was successfully created", "data": { "order": "2eb6987.............5c0f41bfd", "order_number": "OP23100000X", "shipments": [ "IZ0123456789", "IZ1234567890" ] } } { "status": 401, "message": "You are not allowed to use invoice payment method" }
Print shipping labels
Description of the Method
Get labels for specified shipments. This method is intended only for users who have regular package collection.
Parameter | Type | Description | Requried |
shipments | array | array of shipment identifiers | yes |
position | integer [1 to 4] | first label position | no*) |
format | string [pdf , url ] |
return value format containing labels | no**) |
paper_size | string [A4 , A6 ] |
paper size | no***) |
*) If not specified, the default value is 1
**) If not specified, default value is used pdf
**) If not specified, the default size A4
will be applied
Parameter | Type | Description | Requried |
status | integer | response status code | yes |
message | string | action report | yes |
errors | array | array of errors | no |
data | string | link to download label (for format url ) or base64 encoded label file (for format pdf )
no |
Example Call
curl -v \ -X "POST" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-Apikey: secret-api-key" \ -d '{ "shipments": ["IZ0123456789", "IZ1234567890"], "position": 2, "format": "pdf" }'
Response Example
{ "status": 200, "message": "OK. Found 2 label(s).", "data": "data:application/pdf;base64,ZGF0YTphcHBsaWNhdGlvbi9wZGY7YmFz..." } { "status": 404, "message": "No shipments with specified identificators were found." }
List of shipments
Description of the Method
Get a list of shipments. The method always returns a maximum of 100 results sorted by date in descending order.
The method call address can be further extended with optional parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
status | string(20) | shipment status; OPEN, ACTIVE, DELIVERED, STORNO options | no |
offset | int | move results to view older shipments | no |
from_date | date | date from (YYYY-MM-DD) | no |
to_date | date | date to (YYYY-MM-DD) | no |
reference_number | string | shipment reference number | no |
tracking_number | string | shipment tracking number | no |
search | string | search in reference_number or tracking_number |
no |
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
status | integer | response status code | yes |
message | string | action report | yes |
errors | array | array of errors | no |
data | array of shipments | array of shipment objects with shipment information | no |
Example Call
curl -v \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-Apikey: secret-api-key"
Response Example
{ "status": 200, "message": "OK. Found 10 shipment(s).", "data": { "IZ076151CA1F": { "carrier": "UPS", "service_id": "7", "pickup_date": "2017-02-02 10:24:17", "delivery_date": "2017-02-03 10:24:17", "status": "INTRANSIT", "from": { "firstname": "Joshua", "surname": "Williams", ... }, "to": { "firstname": "Ethan", "surname": "Williams", ... }, "packages": [{ "status": "INTRANSIT", "weight": 1, "width": 10, "height": 20, "length": 30 }, ... second package ... }] }, "IZ1234567890": { ... second shipment ... } } }
Shipment detail
Description of the Method
Get shipment details.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
shipments | array of strings | array of shipment identifiers | yes |
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
status | integer | response status code | yes |
message | string | action report | yes |
errors | array | array of errors | no |
data | array of shipments | array of shipment objects with shipment information | no |
Example Call
curl -v \ -X "POST" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-Apikey: secret-api-key" \ -d '{ "shipments": ["IZ076151CA1F", "IZ1234567890"] }'
Response Example
{ "status": 200, "message": "OK. Found 10 shipment(s).", "data": { "IZ076151CA1F": { "carrier": "UPS", "service_id": "21", "pickup_date": "2017-02-02 10:24:17", "delivery_date": "2017-02-03 10:24:17", "status": "INTRANSIT", "from": { "firstname": "Joshua", "surname": "Williams", ... }, "to": { "firstname": "Ethan", "surname": "Williams", ... }, "packages": [{ "status": "INTRANSIT", "weight": 1, "width": 10, "height": 20, "length": 30 }, ... second package ... }], "services": [{ "code": "ins", "data": { "value": 12000, "currency": "CZK" } }] }, "IZ1234567890": { ... second shipment ... } } }
Shipment Tracking
Description of the Method
Track delivery status.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
shipments | array of strings | array of shipment identifiers | yes |
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
status | integer | response status code | yes |
message | string | action report | yes |
errors | array | array of errors | no |
data | array of shipments | array of shipment objects with shipment information | no |
Example Call
curl -v \ -X "POST" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-Apikey: secret-api-key" \ -d '{ "shipments": ["IZ076151CA1F", "IZ1234567890"] }'
Response Example
{ "status": 200, "message": "OK. Found 1 shipment(s).", "data": { "IZ076151CA1F": { "status": "INTRANSIT", "packages": [ [ { "date": "2016-07-04", "time": "15:00:00", "name": "The package was received by the UPS.", "status": "INTRANSIT", "location": "South Africa" }, { "date": "2016-07-02", "time": "12:00:00", "name": "The package data has been entered into the UPS system.", "status": "EXPORTED" } ], [ ... second package ... ] ] }, "IZ1234567890": { ... second shipment ... } } }
Shipment Cancel
Description of the Method
Cancel selected shipment(s) if possible. Shipment can't be cancelled after handover to the courier.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
shipments | array of strings | array of shipment identifiers | yes |
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
status | integer | response status code | yes |
message | string | action report | yes |
errors | array | array of errors | no |
data | array of shipments | array of shipment objects | no |
Example Call
curl -v \ -X "POST" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-Apikey: secret-api-key" \ -d '{ "shipments": ["IZ11B85AF140", "IZ12FF58B1A9"] }'
Response Example
{ "status": 200, "message": "OK. Cancelled.", } { "status": 400, "message": "Request validation error.", "errors": [ "shipment[0]": "Shipment cannot be cancelled. It\'s being transported or it has already been delivered." ] }
Print shipment manifest
Description of the Method
Generate manifest for selected shipments.
Parameter | Type | Description | Requried |
shipments | array | array of shipment identifiers | yes |
format | string [pdf , url ] |
return value format containing shipment manifest | no*) |
*) If not specified, default value is used pdf
Parameter | Type | Description | Requried |
status | integer | response status code | yes |
message | string | action report | yes |
errors | array | array of errors | no |
data | string | link to download shipment manifest (for format url ) or base64 encoded shipment manifest file (for format pdf )
no |
Example Call
curl -v \ -X "POST" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-Apikey: secret-api-key" \ -d '{ "shipments": ["IZ50A5B788BB", "IZ0756B7BA9F"], "format": "pdf" }'
Response Example
{ "status": 200, "message": "OK. Created.", "data": "data:application/pdf;base64,ZGF0YTphcHBsaWNhdGlvbi9wZGY7YmFz..." } { "status": 400, "message": "An error occured while generating shipment manifest." }
Collection Request
You can also track and create collection requests via the API.
List of collection requests
Description of the Method
Get a list of collection requests.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
status | integer | response status code | yes |
message | string | action report | yes |
errors | array | array of errors | no |
data | array of pickups | array of pickup objects | no |
Example Call
curl -v \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-Apikey: secret-api-key"
Response Example
{ "status": 200, "message": "OK. Found 4 pickup(s).", "data": { "16": { "id": 16, "date": "2017-01-31", "carrier": "UPS", "address_id": 1001 }, { ... } } }
Create a new collection request
Description of the Method
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
pickups | array of pickups | array of pickup objects | yes |
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
status | integer | response status code | yes |
message | string | action report | yes |
errors | array | array of errors | no |
data | array of integers | array of identifiers of newly created contacts | no |
Example Call
curl -v \ -X "POST" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-Apikey: secret-api-key" \ -d '{ "pickups": [{ "date": "2017-02-10", "carrier": "UPS", "address_id": 1001 }, { ... }] }'
Response Example
{ "status": 200, "message": "2 pickups successfuly added.", "data": [35, 36] }
Drop-off Points
A list of drop-off points can be obtained through the API.
Seznam podacích/výdejních míst
Description of the Method
Obtain a list of drop-off points.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
country | string(2) | filter country code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 | no |
carrier | enum carriers | filter carrier | no |
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
status | integer | response status code | yes |
message | string | action report | yes |
errors | array | array of errors | no |
data | array of parcelPoints | array of parcelPoint of parcelPoint objects | no |
Example Call
curl -v \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-Apikey: secret-api-key"
Response Example
{ "status": 200, "message": "OK. Found 148 item(s).", "data": { 16604": { "id": 16604, "carrier": "PPL", "code": "KM11730100", "name": "„V Háji“", "street": "28. října 89/51", "city": "Plzeň", "zip": "30100", "country": "CZ", "phone": null, "location": { "lat": "49.778694444444", "lng": "13.409666666667" }, "is_collection": true, "is_locker": 0, "is_depot": 0, "card_payment": 1, "wheelchair_access": 0, "no_lunch_break": 1, "open_saturday": 0, "open_sunday": 0, "opening_hours": { "7": { "from1": "13:00", "to1": "22:00", "from2": null, "to2": null }, "1": { "from1": "13:00", "to1": "22:00", "from2": null, "to2": null }, "2": { "from1": "13:00", "to1": "22:00", "from2": null, "to2": null }, ... "6": { "from1": "13:00", "to1": "22:00", "from2": null, "to2": null } }, "distance": 0, "user": null }, { ... } } }
Address Book
The address book can also be managed via the API. The sender or recipient of the shipment can then select the selected contact from the address book identified by a unique ID. When entering a shipment, there is no need to enter addresses and contact details.
Address book list
Description of the Method
Get contact list from address book.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
status | integer | response status code | yes |
message | string | action report | yes |
errors | array | array of errors | no |
data | array of contacts | array of contact objects | no |
Example Call
curl -v \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-Apikey: secret-api-key"
Response Example
{ "status": 200, "message": "OK. Found 25 contact(s).", "data": { "1002": { "id": 1002, "firstname": "Samantha", "surname": "Smith", "street": "5 Well St, Riviera", "city": "Pretoria", "zip": "0084", "country": "ZA", "phone": "+27115689759", "email": "" }, { ... } } }
Create a new contact in the address book
Description of the Method
Add one or more contacts to the address book.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
contacts | array of contacts | array of contact objects to add to the address book | yes |
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
status | integer | response status code | yes |
message | string | action report | yes |
errors | array | array of errors | no |
data | array of integers | array of identifiers of newly created contacts | no |
Example Call
curl -v \ -X "POST" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-Apikey: secret-api-key" \ -d '{ "contacts": [{ "firstname": "David", "surname": "Williams", "company": "Parcelspot Ltd.", "street": "4447 Sheffield Rd", "city": "Cape Town", "zip": "7750", "country": "ZA", "phone": "+27115689759", "email": "" }, { ... }] }'
Response Example
{ "status": 200, "message": "2 contacts successfuly added.", "data": [1000, 1001] }
Edit contact in address book
Description of the Method
Edit one or more contacts to the address book.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
contacts | array of contacts | array of contact objects to add to the address boo | yes |
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
status | integer | response status code | yes |
message | string | action report | yes |
errors | array | array of errors | no |
data | array of integers | array of identifiers of modified contacts | no |
Example Call
curl -v \ -X "POST" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-Apikey: secret-api-key" \ -d '{ "contacts": [{ "id": 1234, "firstname": "David", "surname": "Williams", "company": "Parcelspot Ltd.", "street": "4447 Sheffield Rd", "city": "Cape Town", "zip": "7750", "country": "ZA", "phone": "+27115689759", "email": "" }, { ... }] }'
Response Example
{ "status": 200, "message": "2 contacts successfuly updated.", "data": [1000, 1001] }
Delete contacts from address book
Description of the Method
Delete one or more contacts from the address book.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
contacts | array of integers | array with contact IDs to delete | yes |
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
status | integer | response status code | yes |
message | string | action report | yes |
errors | array | array of errors | no |
Example Call
curl -v \ -X "POST" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-Apikey: secret-api-key" \ -d '{ "contacts": [1111, 1215] }'
Response Example
{ "status": 200, "message": "2 contacts successfuly deleted" }
Description of the Object
Data representation of the shipping company offer with price and date of collection and delivery.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
carrier | string(20) | code of the shipping company according to the dictionary carriers | - |
service | string(20) | the name of the particular carrier's service | - |
service_id | integer | identifier of the particular carrier service | - |
pickup_date | date | earliest possible pickup date (YYYY-MM-DD) | - |
pickup_from_time | time | pickup from (H:m:s) | - |
pickup_to_time | time | pickup to (H:m:s) | - |
delivery_date | date | nearest possible delivery date (YYYY-MM-DD) | - |
price | object money | price for shipping excluding VAT | - |
price_vat | object money | price for shipping including VAT | - |
insurance_limit | object money | limit of carrier's liability including VAT | - |
own_invoice_upload | bool | custom invoice | - |
weight_limit | int | weight limit | - |
pickup_branch | bool | is pickup branch | - |
pickup_branch_required | bool | required branch for pickup | - |
delivery_branch_required | bool | required branch for delivery | - |
shipment_category | string(20) | shipment category according to the Shipment Category | - |
trackable | bool | shipment tracking | - |
printable | bool | label printing | - |
Note: lines in in italics indicate response parameters.
{ "carrier": "UPS", "service": "Business-Parcel", "service_id": 7, "pickup_date": 2016-07-11, "delivery_date": 2016-07-12, "pickup_from_time": "08:00:00", "pickup_to_time": "18:00:00", "price": { "value": 98.35, "currency": "CZK" }, "price_vat": { "value": 119, "currency": "CZK" }, "insurance_limit": { "value": 50000, "currency": "CZK" }, "weight_limit": 15, "pickup_branch": true, "pickup_branch_required": true, "delivery_branch_required": true, "trackable": true, "printable": true, "shipment_category": "domestic" }
Description of the Object
Data representation of the contact person and the place of delivery or pickup.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
id | integer | identifier of an existing contact | no*) |
company | string(75) | company name | no |
firstname | string(50) | name of the contact person | yes**) |
surname | string(50) | surname of the contact person | yes**) |
street | string(100) | street with house number | yes**) |
city | string(50) | municipality or city | yes**) |
zip | string(12) | postal code | yes**) |
country | string(2) | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code | yes |
phone | string(50) | telephone contact | yes**) |
string(50) | email contact | no |
*) If we pass by ID reference, other parameters are optional
**) Optional when used in the method for obtaining the transport offer
{ "id": 1001, "firstname": "David", "surname": "Williams", "company": "Parcelspot Ltd.", "street": "4447 Sheffield Rd", "city": "Cape Town", "zip": "7750", "country": "ZA", "phone": "+27115689759", "email": "" } Can also be passed as reference only by ID: { "id": 1001 }
Description of the Object
Data representation of the shipment.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
carrier | string(20) | code of the shipping company according to the dictionary carriers | no |
service_id | integer | identifier of the particular carrier service | no |
type | enum shipment type | type (mode) of collection according to shipment type codebook | no |
pickup_date | date | required pickup date (YYYY-MM-DD) | no |
(deprecated) |
string parcelPoint code | collection point code | no |
(deprecated) |
string parcelPoint code | dispensing point code | no |
pickup_branch_location | integer | collection point location ID * | no |
delivery_branch_location | integer | delivery point location ID * | no |
from | object contact | a contact object specifying the pickup location | yes |
to | object contact | a contact object specifying the delivery location | yes |
services | array of service | service object array with additional services | no |
packages | array of package | array of package objects with individual packages | yes |
reference | string(255) | self-marking of the consignment | no |
note | string(255) | note for drivers | no |
status | string | shipment status | - |
* Location ID can be found in the collection/dropoff points map for each point in the list
{ "carrier": "UPS", "pickup_date": 2016-07-11, "from": { "id": 1001 }, "to": { "firstname": "David", "surname": "Williams", "company": "Parcelspot Ltd.", "street": "4447 Sheffield Rd", "city": "Cape Town", "zip": "7750", "country": "ZA", "phone": "+27115689759", "email": "" }, "services": [{ "code": "cod", "data": { "value": { "value": 1500, "currency": "CZK" } } }, { "code": "ins", "data": { "value": 12500, "currency": "CZK" } }], "packages": [{ "weight": 1, "width": 10, "height": 20, "length": 30 }, { ... }] }
Description of the Object
Data representation of the place for handing over or picking up the shipment.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
id | int | Identifier | - |
carrier | string(20) | carrier by code of carriers | - |
code | string | location code | - |
name | string | place name | - |
street | string | street with house number | - |
city | string | municipality or city | - |
zip | string | postal code | - |
country | string | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code | - |
phone | string | contact phone | - |
location | object | object of lat , lng " |
- |
is_collection | bool | is collection point | - |
is_locker | int | box 1 yes , 0 no |
- |
is_depot | int | depot 1 yes , 0 no |
- |
card_payment | int | payment by card 1 yes , 0 no |
- |
wheelchair_access | int | wheelchair access 1 yes , 0 no |
- |
no_lunch_break | int | lunch break 1 yes , 0 no |
- |
open_saturday | int | open on Saturday 1 yes , 0 no |
- |
open_sunday | int | open on Sunday 1 yes , 0 no |
- |
opening_hours | object | array of objects opening hours, field index indicates the day of the week, Monday = 1 | - |
pickup_branch_location_id | int | identifier of the pickup/dropoff point of carriers operating at the same address | - |
Note: lines in in italics indicate response parameters.
{ "id": 16604, "carrier": "PPL", "code": "KM11730100", "name": "„V Háji“", "street": "28. října 89/51", "city": "Plzeň", "zip": "30100", "country": "CZ", "phone": null, "location": { "lat": "49.778694444444", "lng": "13.409666666667" }, "is_collection": true, "is_locker": 0, "is_depot": 0, "card_payment": 1, "wheelchair_access": 0, "no_lunch_break": 1, "open_saturday": 0, "open_sunday": 0, "opening_hours": { "7": { "from1": "13:00", "to1": "22:00", "from2": null, "to2": null }, "1": { "from1": "13:00", "to1": "22:00", "from2": null, "to2": null }, "2": { "from1": "13:00", "to1": "22:00", "from2": null, "to2": null }, ... "6": { "from1": "13:00", "to1": "22:00", "from2": null, "to2": null } }, "distance": 0, "pickup_branch_location_id": 123456789, "user": null }
Description of the Object
Data representation of one package in a shipment. The package is described by its weight, dimensions and additionally by its description and its monetary value.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
weight | float | weight [kg] | yes |
width | integer | width v [cm] | yes |
height | integer | height v [cm] | yes |
length | integer | length [cm] | yes |
value | object money | package value | no |
content | string(255) | content of package | no |
status | enum shipment status | current package status according to shipment shipment status dictionary | yes |
history | array of history | array of history representing package status history | no |
carrier_tracking | string | package tracking link | no |
Note: lines in in italics indicate response parameters.
{ "weight": 7.5, "width": 50, "height": 30, "length": 40, "status": "CREATED", "number": "", "value": { "value": 100, "currency": "EUR" }, "content": "package description" }
Description of the Object
Data representation of shipment tracking history.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
date | date | the date the record was created in the package history | - |
time | time | time of record creation in package history | - |
name | string | text information about the package history record | - |
status | string | status in package history | - |
location | string | additional information about package location / location | - |
Note: lines in in italics indicate response parameters.
{ "date": "2016-07-16", "time": "15:17:00", "name": "Package delivered", "status": "DELIVERED", "location": "South Africa" }
Description of the Object
Data representation of additional service (cash on delivery, additional insurance, etc.)
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
code | string(20) | code optional services under dictionaries services | yes |
data | object | optional parameters for the service according to dictionaries services | yes |
{ "code": "cod", "data": { "value": { "value": 100, "currency": "CZK" } } }
Description of the Object
Data representation of the collection request.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
id | int | collection request identifier | yes |
date | date | required collection date (YYYY-MM-DD) | yes |
carrier | string(20) | kcode of the shipping company according to the dictionary carriers | yes |
address_id | integer | identifier of an existing contact | yes |
{ "id": 12354, "date": "2017-01-31", "carrier": "UPS", "address_id": 1001 }
Opening Hours
Description of the Object
The data represent the opening hours of the pickup and delivery points.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
from1 | time | open from (H:m) | yes |
to1 | time | open to (H:m) | yes |
from2 | time | open from (H:m) | no*) |
to2 | time | open to (H:m) | no*) |
*) If the time is given, the point has a lunch break.
{ "from1": "13:00", "to1": "22:00", "from2": null, "to2": null },
Description of the Object
An object representing the monetary value in the corresponding currency. The object is used where it is necessary to pass a numerical expression of the value together with the currency. E.g. COD, insurance, parcel value, etc.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
value | float | the amount in the relevant currency | yes |
currency | string(3) | ISO 4217 currency code | yes |
{ "value": 1500, "currency": "CZK" }
Description of the Object
Object representing the COD service.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
bank_account | string(64) | account number for cash on delivery | no*) |
bank_code | string(4) | bank account code for cash on delivery | no*) |
bank_variable | string(20) | variable symbol used for cash on delivery | no |
value | object money | cash on delivery package amount | yes |
*) IBAN can be inserted into bank_account
, in this case bank_code
will remain empty.
{ "bank_account": "12-34567890", "bank_code": "0100", "value": { "value": 1500, "currency": "CZK" } }
Description of the Object
The object representing the error message.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
field | string | the name of the parameter that caused the error | - |
message | string | text description of the error | - |
value | string | specified parameter value | - |
{ "field": "contacts[0].email", "message": "Invalid e-mail format.", "value": "" }
HTTP status codes
Description of the code
HTTP response status codes.
Code | State | Description |
200 | OK | Request successfully processed |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid request (input data error) |
401 | Unauthorized | Unauthorized Request (Invalid API Key) |
404 | Not Found | Requested method not found (bad request URL) |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal application error (error on our side) |
Description of the code
Dictionary of shipping companies that the system integrates.
Code | Name |
FEDEX | FedEx |
WEDO | One By Allegro |
BALIKOVNA | Balíkovna |
ZASILKOVNA | Zásilkovna |
Payment type
Description of the code
List of available forms of payment per batch / order. The invoice payment is only available by prior arrangement for business customers with a forwarding contract. Do you also want to pay by invoice? Please contact us.
Code | Description |
ONLINE | Payment by GoPay on-line via returned URL |
CREDIT | Payment from prepaid credit on customer account |
INVOICE | Payment on invoice only for contract customers |
Shipment Status
Description of the code
Dictionary of possible states in shipment history.
Code | Description |
CREATED | Shipment created |
EXPORTED | The shipper acknowledged receipt of the shipment data |
ONPICKUP | Shipment waiting for pickup by courier |
INTRANSIT | The shipment is on its way to the destination depot |
ONDELIVERY | The consignment was handed over to the courier for delivery |
DELIVERED | The shipment was delivered |
CANCELLED | Shipment canceled |
Shipment Type
Description of the code
Dictionary of possible collection modes.
Code | Description |
ONDEMAND | One-time Collection - labels are printed by the carrier. |
OCCASIONAL | Occasional collection - labels are printed by the customer. |
Shipment Category
Description of the code
List of available shipment categories.
Code | Description |
domestic | Delivery within one country |
exportEu | Export shipments within EU countries |
exportWorld | Export shipments outside the EU |
importEu | Import shipments within EU countries |
importWorld | Import shipments outside the EU |
Description of the code
Dictionary of extra services.
Code | Data | Description |
COD | object serviceCOD | Cash on delivery to selected countries (CZ, SK) |
INS | object money | Additional insurance beyond basic insurance |
DSC | string(20) | Discount code |
Example: COD
{ "code": "cod", "data": { "bank_currency": "CZK", "bank_account": "12-34567890", "bank_code": "0100", "bank_variable": "987654321", "value": { "value": 1500, "currency": "CZK" } } }
Example: insurance
{ "code": "ins", "data": { "value": 500, "currency": "CZK" } }
Pickup Time Range
Description of the code
Dictionary of time windows of collection.
Code | Data |
1 | 09:00:00 - 13:00:00 |
2 | 09:30:00 - 13:30:00 |
3 | 10:00:00 - 14:00:00 |
4 | 10:30:00 - 14:30:00 |
5 | 11:00:00 - 15:00:00 |
6 | 11:30:00 - 15:30:00 |
7 | 12:00:00 - 16:00:00 |
8 | 12:30:00 - 16:30:00 |
9 | 13:00:00 - 17:00:00 |
Map widget
The widget allows you to insert an interactive map into the page, which displays the location and overview of all available pick-up points of
all supported carriers. The map can be configured using the parameters of the zslt.openMap()
function. The map opening function
returns a promise and in the resolve callback returns a response object of the selected location.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
addressType | sender|recipient | map type, dropoff/pickup place | no |
carriers | array of carriers | show the map for selected carriers | no |
country | cz|sk | country code filter | no |
lang | cz|sk|en | widget language | no |
prices | object | optional price setting for selected carriers | no |
styles | object | widget style configuration | no |
value | id | open map with selected place | no |
Example: Implementation in javascript
window.zslt = {}; const script = document.createElement('script'); = 'zaslat-map'; script.async = true; script.src = ''; document.head.appendChild(script); function openMap() { zslt.openMap({ addressType: 'recipient', country: 'cz', carriers: ['balikovna', 'dpd', 'gls', 'ppl', 'zasilkovna'], lang: 'cz', prices: { balikovna: '59 Kč', dpd: '59 Kč', gls: '59 Kč', ppl: '59 Kč', zasilkovna: '59 Kč' }, style: { colorPrimary: "#000" } value: '', }).then(function(point) { console.log(point); }); }
Implementation Examples
This section provides examples of the implementation of the API in the PHP programming language.
Getting a shipping offer
To get a shipping offer, you need to send a POST request to the address /api/v1/rates/get
The input data must be specified in the request body as described in the documentation above.
The example in the box on the right is in PHP using the built-in library curl
Example: Get a shipping offer in PHP
// First, it is necessary to assemble the data that will be sent in the request body // as specified in the documentation. $data = array( "from" => array( "country" => "ZA" ), "to" => array( "country" => "ZA" ), "services" => array( array( "code" => "COD", "data" => array( "value" => array( "value" => 1500, "currency" => "CZK" ) ) ) ), "packages" => array( array( "weight" => 1, "width" => 10, "height" => 20, "length" => 30 ) ) ); // The data must be sent in the JSON format in the request body, // so the data must be transferred to that format. $data = json_encode($data); // We will use the cURL PHP library to send the request. // For all setup options, see // 1. Initialize library $ch = curl_init(); // 2. Set the API URL curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ""); // 3. Determine the HTTP call method curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); // 4. Headers settinfs. Instead of <YOUR-API-KEY> add your API key curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( "Accept: application/json", "Content-Type: application/json", "X-Apikey: <YOUR-API-KEY>" )); // 5. Filling the request body with data curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); // 6. Save response to variable curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // 7. Call API with the selected parameters $response = curl_exec($ch); // 8. Close a cURL session curl_close($ch); // $response variable now contains the JSON response. // Let's convert it to an associative array format $response = json_decode($response, true);
Create a new order
To create a new order, it is necessary to send a POST request to the address /api/v1/shipments/create
The input data must be specified in the request body as described in the documentation above.
The example in the box on the right is in PHP using the built-in library curl
Note: for a detailed description of all the methods and calls in the code, please see the code sample to get a transport offer that is richly commented.
Example: Create a new order in PHP
// Request Data $data = array( "currency" => "CZK", "payment_type" => "online", "shipments" => array( array( "pickup_date" => "2017-02-10", "from" => array( "id" => 1001 ), "to" => array( "firstname" => "David", "surname" => "Williams", "company" => "Parcelspot Ltd.", "street" => "4447 Sheffield Rd", "city" => "Cape Town", "zip" => "7750", "country" => "ZA", "phone" => "+27115689759", "email" => "" ), "packages" => array( array( "weight" => 1, "width" => 10, "height" => 20, "length" => 30 ) ) ) ) ); $data = json_encode($data); // Create cURL request $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( "Accept: application/json", "Content-Type: application/json", "X-Apikey: <YOUR-API-KEY>" )); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); // Response $response = json_decode($response, true);
Get a contact list
To get a shipping offer, you need to send a GET request to /api/v1/contacts/list
The example in the box on the right is in PHP using the built-in library curl
Note: for a detailed description of all the methods and calls in the code, please see the code sample to get a transport offer that is richly commented.
Example: Get a contact list in PHP
// Create cURL request $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( "Accept: application/json", "Content-Type: application/json", "X-Apikey: <YOUR-API-KEY>" )); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); // Response $response = json_decode($response, true);